Sunday, November 18, 2012

Venting, ranting, and raging just a bit!

We have had a few interesting reactions to the announcement of this pregnancy. People asking me if we are crazy and asking if they need to tell us how that happened are among my least favorite. I am also not a big fan of the ones that feel the need to explain to me how expensive and time consuming babies/children are. And who the hell says, "Good luck!" to someone who is pregnant? My response to these things: No, we are not crazy, we are actually very sane and happy, thanks! I'm pretty sure we've got the "how it happens" down quite well, I've managed it 5 times now, but thanks! Yes, we are VERY aware of how much work it is to be parents and how much money it costs to properly take care of our kids. We've actually been doing this for a while. We're pretty fabulous parents and really don't need luck, but THANKS A FREAKING BUNCH!!

NO ONE else raises my kids. NO ONE else supports my kids. Yes, we may be using a little bit of assistance right now to get Bj through school, but isn't that what those programs are actually meant for? To help people get back on their feet?? We are using the assistance to help us not have to use assistance ever again, I don't feel bad about that. I have not had a babysitter in 3 months. August 10th, when I picked Bj up from the airport is the last time that someone sat with all 4 kids for us to have some time to ourselves. So again, no one else raises or supports my kids. I suppose that means that my having another one is really not anyone else's business. Yes, I made it public knowledge by putting it on Facebook. I was hoping to get excitement and congratulations! Honestly, if anyone thinks this baby is a bad thing or is anything less than happy and excited for us then they should keep it to themselves!

5 kids is a lot, trust me, I know this! I never even planned on having any kids until I found out about Hailey. Now that I have them, I am a damn good mom! My kids are awesome. They are all very smart, considerate, happy, healthy, hard-working, respectful, well-behaved kids! Of course, they aren't perfect, but they know that they will have consequences for their actions and they even take punishments quite responsibly. My house is usually pretty much a mess, I probably spend a little more time on the computer than I should, and I tend to yell a bit more than I'd like to, so of course, I am not a perfect mom. The thought, "well, she/he will probably discuss THAT with a therapist in 20 years," actually crosses my mind quite often. But they are loved and they know they are and they are so confident in themselves. We must be doing a lot right with these guys and that makes me completely confident that adding another baby will be great! They won't be able to have golf lessons or a new car or every new gaming system that comes out unless they earn it, but can anyone tell me what is wrong with children having to earn the things that they want?? What a shame that I'm not spoiling my kids and I'm teaching them to work for the things that they want!

Ok, I'm done venting. But seriously, the next time anyone says to me, "Don't you know how that happens??" they are probably going to get quite the earful from me. I am sure some people think they are being funny, but they're not. We are having a baby, that's wonderful and exciting and it's not at all a joke!

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