Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby number five!

So, this detached parent just found out she is going to be blessed again! Yep, that's right, baby number five. Woohoo! I truly am thrilled. I mean, what is there to not be thrilled about? The fact that our youngest is still a baby himself? The fact that I scheduled my first prenatal checkup at the same time as his 12 month check up? Maybe the fact that my husband currently doesn't have a job and I really have no idea when he will again? Or how about the fact that we are supposed to make a huge move across the country just a couple months before this little bundle of joy is due? Yeah, that's all pretty stressful and terrifying.

BUT, I'M GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY WITH THE MAN OF MY DREAMS! YAAAAY!!! We get to add another crazy, awesome personality to our already amazing group of crazy, awesome personalities. And yes, the money thing is going to be tough, but when isn't it? We have a crib, a playpen, a car seat, a walker, a jumperoo, a baby bath...literally all of the essentials since we still have a baby in the house now. That helps a TON. We will still very much be in baby mode as far as diaper changing, bottles, baby food, diaper bag everywhere we go, etc. so that won't be a transition. I'm a stellar mom, of course, so  I should obviously produce one more awesome person to send out into the world as a fabulous, productive adult in 18 years. And my husband and I are really truly in love and neither of us is ever going anywhere so these kids all have a happy, stable, loving home and really, what more do they need? Well, besides food, water, clothing, shelter...you know, the small details.

As far as a plan, we don't have one. We literally spent most of the night "discussing" our options and, while there are actually a few options, we could not agree on which one would be best for us right now. Neither of us has any way of knowing how any potential move will turn out in the end, but we see them going differently I guess. To be fair to us, we did just find out we are having our fifth child and our decision making skills could be suffering slightly from the shock. But, we will figure this out and do the best thing we can for these kids, we always do! As of now, we are on food and medical assistance with the state, which I hate! We have been raising 3-4 kids on poverty level income (well, for the most part, with the exception of 3 months of good income) up until last month with no food assistance, but with him being out of work it was a step we had to take. We have plans to improve our situation and intend to get off of all assistance as soon as possible. I know I don't owe anyone an explanation, but that is something that I am personally struggling with a lot. My husband is planning to go to school, so the next year to 18 months could be pretty rough, but school will be worth any struggle if it improves our lives!

We are excited. I know it seems crazy in our situation to be excited about another mouth to feed, but we are. It's a baby, and how can you not be excited about a baby?!


  1. Did you know you spent most of this blog explaining to everyone why this baby is a good thing? We all know it is a good thing! Now you need to put more detail about how you are feeling and how you found out the little one was coming. Somewhere in the lines of, 10 positive pregnancy tests and a negative from the doctor. I am very excited to be an Aunt again even if I have to rent a small bus to watch them!! :) Love you!

  2. I like Danie's comment :) There's no "like" button so I have to actually say "I like it."
