Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Story, 4 weeks! **TMI alert!!!**

I found out on Monday that I am pregnant with number 5. I kind of expected it. We certainly weren't trying at all, but our methods of birth control weren't exactly solid either, obviously. I had an IUD put in at my 6 week postpartum check up after Colton was born, but that fell out a couple months ago so I was trying to do natural family planning, which is basically figuring out when you are ovulating and not doing the baby making dance around that day. According to my calendar, I was supposed to ovulate on October 29. We did the dance on the 25th and we used spermicide. I am fully aware that spermicide alone is not a very reliable method of birth control, but figured with ovulation a few days away, it would probably be ok. I have Mittelschmerz, which means I can actually feel it when I ovulate every month, I have a pain in the ovary that releases the egg that month. On the 26th I got the ovulation pain and had other signs of ovulation. I couldn't believe it! I told Bj that I was pretty sure I was ovulating that day and that some of his swimmers could still be hanging around in there. Of course, he didn't seem too concerned and I honestly thought the chances were pretty slim. I think they say that something like 25% of pregnancies actually stick. So, I figured with the spermicide and the low chances of having a pregnancy implant and stick, that we'd be pretty safe. Even still, I am a poas (pee on a stick) addict. I love peeing on those damn things and you can get them so cheap these days!! I started peeing on things about 6 days after I ovulated. Which is WAY too early to get a positive anyway, but I did it. I literally peed on at least 50 pregnancy tests this cycle. (I got a batch of 50 on ebay for 32 cents a piece so I really didn't piss away TOO much money!) My period was due on Monday, so when I was still getting negative results on Sunday, about 15 days after I ovulated, I figured that I was for sure safe. I just took one Monday morning while Bj was taking the girls to school because it was a habit at that point. Seriously, "Hmmm, I need to pee...get the cup, get the pee stick, pee in the cup, dip the stick." I didn't even look at it for a few minutes, but when I did there was for sure a line. So I got out another stick....and another...and another...I took 6 of the damn things before Bj got home!! All of them had two lines!!

When Bj got home I was crying like a baby! I handed him the stick, well one of the six, and he could see the line too. He smiled, yes smiled, and told me to stop crying and said that we'd be ok! I love that man! We got the boys ready, went to town to get a couple more expensive, reliable tests and I took one and it also, shockingly, had a second, faint pink line! Well, seven tests later I should be pretty convinced! But of course I took 3 more, why not? I had a doctor's appointment for my cold that afternoon so I asked if they could also do a confirmation of pregnancy for me while I was there. They took my urine sample and I watched the nurse drop the urine in the test. The doctor came in and dealt with my cold/sinus symptoms then told me he was going to go check the results of my test. I told him that I had ten positive ones at home, two different brands, so his better be positive or he needs new tests! He went to check, came back in the room and said, "You are going to laugh..." it was freaking negative!!! He said he even did a second one just to be sure! You have got to be freaking kidding me! He was pretty convinced that I had gotten the positives at home so he ordered a blood test but the results wouldn't come in until the next day. He gave me some prescriptions for my sinuses, drew some blood, and sent me on my way. At this point I was a little confused so at the pharmacy I picked up a box of two digital tests (yay! an excuse to pee on something else!) and took one as soon as I got home. This is the one in the picture and it said pregnant. So then I just had to wait to hear from the doctor the next day. Though I did still have a few pee sticks left so took those of course. By the time I got the blood confirmation I had about 15 hpts that said I was. When they called to tell me it was positive I was far from surprised and requested that they get new tests at the office! Bj and I decided that we weren't going to announce it until after our first prenatal check up, which is conveniently scheduled at the same time as Colton's 12 month check-up, but I am a horrible secret keeper so I had to spill the beans right away. He was slightly annoyed but agreed that I could tell!

So far I am feeling pretty good. I am still only about 4 1/2 weeks though so there is plenty of time for that to change. I do think I feel a bit of morning sickness starting to come on, but with the other pregnancies, and I have plenty to compare to, I never got sick so I'm hoping that this one will go the same way. My first check up is on December 20 so I will be just over 9 weeks. I never mentioned my IUD falling out to my doctor so his reaction should be interesting! With the last 4 pregnancies I had intended to quit smoking but just kept being selfish and smoked the whole time but with this one I actually hadn't smoked for about 5 days when I found out because of the cold/sinus stuff so I figured I might as well just stick with it this time and I'm on day 8 with no cigarettes, Bj has even cut way back so that's awesome! I am at a much heavier weight than I want to be starting a pregnancy, 208 lbs at the moment, but there's nothing I can do about that now except try not to gain too much in the next 9 months so that's my goal. Baby is due around July 20th as far as I can tell. The older kids all know and they are pretty excited! They are all trying to help name him or her. Austin suggested Flower for a girl. I told him we'll take it into consideration! They are all great big brothers and sisters so this baby will be super loved!


  1. you cant keep a secret for crap couldnt handle just telling a few people had to just jump and tell the world :-)

  2. I like Flower, but I think it's more appropriate for a boy.

  3. Great story! Very entertaining! I for sure want to know how the doctor visit goes in December! Great job on the smoke-free process! You can do it! And don't worry about your weight too much just remember you can do whatever you want to lose it when the baby is here! Love ya!
