Saturday, September 22, 2012

Soccer Saturdays

At 7 a.m on this lovely Saturday morning I am drinking my coffee with my my very sleepy husband and watching the sun come up. I have already made a pot of coffee, made baby a bottle, switched laundry, gotten dinner out to thaw, and showered. Why on earth would this lazy mama be doing so much so early on a Saturday morning?? Soccer. Early Saturday morning soccer games for my girls. And boy do I love Soccer Saturdays. They usually go something like this....

"Good morning ready to play some soccer?" I say sweetly to get them out of bed. Both of them look at me with the same confusion I had just a half an hour earlier when my alarm went of way too damn early on a Saturday morning and they roll out of bed like zombies. I start spouting off orders such as, "Find your soccer jersey!" and "Where are your damn tennis shoes??" or "Please do NOT lick your brother's cheerios off of his high chair tray!" I am scrambling around the house trying to make sure there is ice in the water bottles, that the water jug is full, and that baby is dressed. I start gathering bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, toys for the boys, chairs for us to sit on, the stroller, treats for the soccer team...all while my kids walk around still in a sleepy stupor and fail to find a complete soccer outfit even though I washed their uniforms the night before and laid them out for them! Somehow, we finally manage to get everything ready and after several trips to the car and a few forgotten items we have to run back into the house for, we are ready to leave! Of course we are running at least 15 minutes late at that point but just the fact that my car is in drive and moving feels like a great accomplishment! 

We make it to the field and I let the girls out as close as I can to their playing fields since we are running late and I find a parking spot. I get out and my 4 year old gets out as well. I open the back of the car and begin to "mommy stack" everything (toys, chairs, water bottles, jugs, shin guards that the girls forgot...) so that I can get it all down to the field. As I am doing this my wonderful son is making his way into the parking lot so I have to keep one eye on him while mastering the balancing act. I get baby strapped into the stroller and finally, everything is ready to go! Let's go watch some soccer! Me and the boys make our way onto the field and I start to get the looks. The, "You're an outsider, we don't know you, what are you doing here?" looks. I live in a very small community, everyone knows everyone. I am less than personable on a good day and a complete bitch most days so I don't exactly make my way out to meet new people. I have lived here for two years and can count the people I really know on one hand. So, these pretty, perfect little soccer moms look at me, showing up 15 minutes late in my dirty truck with my crazy kids and my crap all stacked up on my stroller, like I'm some sort of alien. This is such an awesome feeling!! I ignore the looks and try to find a good, safe spot to park us in between the two fields. Of course, my daughters always have over lapping games so I have to try to divide my attention between both games and pray I don't miss a big score or an awesome goalie save from one of them. 

The game is starting! Woohoo, we've made it this far! My 6 year old is up and I'm watching her intently as a good, dedicated mom should do. I'm watching her push the little boy next to her, do summersaults,  practice head stands, fall on the ground randomly, and occasionally attempt to kick the ball if goes in front of her just right! It is entertaining for sure. Halfway through her game the other game starts. I try so hard to pay attention to both but I have to admit the oldest girl's game gets a majority of the attention because of Soccer Nazi! This is the nickname I have given the coach for the opposite team of my daughter's. She stands on the sidelines and screams at her team. You would think she was coaching the U.S. Soccer team in the Olympics she takes this stuff so seriously! This daughter takes things a bit more seriously too, so it is a little more exciting to watch.

By the time both games are over it's hot outside, baby is pissed about being in the heat for so long, and I have pretty much lost my 4 year old. The girls come running over to me and I ask them, "So, did you win?" Both girls respond pretty much the same, "I dunno." "Ok, well did you have fun?" I ask. "YES!" So, I reinstate my balancing act and herd my zoo back to the truck with a big smile on my face because they had fun and that is the whole point of the crazy, hectic, sometimes ridiculous soccer Saturdays!

Friday, September 21, 2012

TGIF...or not!

We are having a WONDERFUL FREAKING day in this house and it's only 8:30. It's going to be a very long day.

    I wake up, look at my phone, and realize that it is two minutes before the girls need to get on the bus. SUPER! I slept through my alarm. So I yell to the kids, "Hurry up! Dressed, teeth, hair, socks and shoes, GO GO GO!" I sleep walk to the sink to make the baby his bottle and find the water is not working?!  REALLY SUPER! I start to panic just a bit...How will the kids brush their teeth? How will I make the baby a bottle? HOW WILL I MAKE MY COFFEE?? Slowly my brain kicks into gear and I remember that I have a full 2 gallon water cooler in the back of my car. Hallelujah! I will have coffee! Oh, and the kids teeth will be clean and the baby will eat. I lovingly wake up my husband with, "Babe! Get up! The water's not working and I need you to go get the water jug out of the car, now please!" With his first-thing-in-the-morning-I-hate-the-world attitude, he goes out and comes back in with the precious water. He seems grumpy and says, "Well, I broke it!" I ask him how the hell he broke the water cooler and he replied, "Not that! The car!" Apparently my handle to open the trunk of my car is now broken. EVEN MORE SUPER!
    I believe the answer to all of this is to get back in my bed, pull the blankets over my head, and go to a place in my head where sexy, half-naked men are bringing me pina coladas and there's sand between my toes and waves crashing on the sand. I could stay there all day! But instead I got the kids off to school, I am going to help the hubby try to fix the water, call around for a part for the truck, and brace myself for whatever other craziness this day may have in store for me! Like they say, when it rains it pours!