Friday, May 3, 2013

Another catch up!

I seem to be horrible about updating this damn thing. I guess it's time for an entry!

Life is pretty good these days! We are coming up on the end of the school year for the girls and Bj is almost done with his second session of classes! Bring on summer vacation! Mylee just finished her soccer "season" (it was literally like 4 weeks, not a season in my opinion!) and she had a great time. Bj is a great coach and all the girls on his team really had fun and they all said that they will definitely play soccer again. They lost every game except the last when they were finally able to tie with the other team for a score of 3-3. They were pretty pumped about that! Austin's soccer is not so much teams and games as little practices that help him learn the basics of soccer. He's not thrilled about this and gets bored halfway through, but he's learning and doing pretty good when I can keep him focused. His last session is tomorrow. Hailey started softball this week with a practice on Tuesday and a game last night. I am quite impressed with her skills! She's doing really well and says she likes softball even more than soccer. She has a game every Thursday night until June 20 and she is really excited about it! And Colton just loves to go to all the games and practices and run around and clap and cheer for whoever is playing! Hailey and Mylee both had big tests this last week. We don't know all of the scores yet, but Hailey scored 100% on the language arts portion. She was 1 of 2 kids in her class to get a perfect score. I am extremely proud, but certainly not surprised! Shane has been calling on a preset schedule so the kids talk to him for about an hour four nights a week which has been great! The attitudes are definitely reduced! So, all the kids are doing really well! I need to get a system under control for chores and accountability for them, but my lack of sticking to that is really the biggest problem. If I get a system in place, I know the kids will follow it for the most part, so I will be working hard on that for the next few weeks to get something in place that works for everyone.

Things are getting pretty tough financially so we are ready to take the step for Bj to get a job. I have had a couple interviews and both went really well, but I can't see starting a job when I'm 7 months pregnant that involves quite a bit of physical strain just to take maternity leave in a few weeks. We are strongly considering the possibility of Bj cutting back his classes to half-time in order for him to be able to work full-time and still be able to get his degree. Unfortunately, this would keep us in St George a year longer than planned or expected, but we'd rather do things right and have him accomplish his goal than to stress unnecessarily or have him give up on school altogether. Of course, nothing is decided for sure, this is just something that we realized that we need to consider. No matter what we decide, we will be just fine and we (with the help of others that have been helpful and supportive!) will make sure that these kids have everything they need and even some of the things they want!

This pregnancy crap  is so overrated. I know, I know, I am a lucky woman and there are women out there who would give anything to experience this miracle...I am certainly not trying to be insensitive. But, I freaking hate it. Yes, the end result is awesome and totally worth it, but no one is ever going to claim to love all this crap! My pubic bone hurts every time I move, the round ligament pain with this one doubles me over and puts me into tears at times, my boobs are KILLING me, I am swollen, the heartburn is raging, I can't sleep well due to restless leg syndrome, and I am generally irritable and bitchy most days. The fun part though is she is starting to get pretty wild in there and the kids can see her moving my belly! It's become an event for everyone to gather around my belly and poke at Maci and play with her! Thankfully, we are most likely into single digits for the weeks left. I usually deliver 2-3 weeks early so that means we have about 8-9 weeks left! We just need to get a playpen with bassinet and we are all ready for her. Thanks to my amazing friend, Ali, for outfitting her for the first few months! She won't be wearing blue everyday! We are all very excited to meet her!